Rethinking the Healthcare Model & the War against Sickness & Disease

Rethinking the Healthcare Model & the War against Sickness & Disease - Blog Feature Image

Transforming traditional medical approaches to align with the natural healing powers of the body involves a major shift in mindset and practices.

Dr. Sal Martingano

Is There Really A War Against Disease?

The realization that there might not be an actual war against diseases changes the dynamics of the healthcare model. Nature, with its silent and formidable tactics, continually adapts to counter our interventions. When groundbreaking health ideas challenge mainstream thinking, the initial response is often rejected by the medical community. This resistance is the first step in a cycle that includes discrediting and often culminating in a full-scale war against it. Despite this, history has shown that many transformative medical discoveries originated from non-traditional thinking.

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The most recent example of the collision between medical interventions, political implications, and the eventual reality, is the Covid experience.  In 10 previous blogs, I covered the changing medical and political rhetoric that occurred due to the realities of mask mandates, the agenda behind the censored science of the Covid-19 vaccine, and the eventual facts based on present knowledge. My purpose was to demonstrate that the “business” of healthcare often leads a warlike healthcare model to expedite funding and compliance.    

The Language of War in Healthcare:

The pervasive use of war metaphors in healthcare, such as the war against disease, Covid, AIDS, cancer, and drugs, shapes our mindset. While these events are undoubtedly real, adopting a war mentality may not yield the desired outcomes. The constant bombardment of fear tactics by pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry contributes to a mindset of perpetual warfare against our own bodies, that intentionally negates the exploration of natural healing.

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The Futility of the War Approach:

Despite the $billions invested in medical and drug research, the war against diseases is unlikely to be won. Diseases like cancer cannot be annihilated like an enemy on a battlefield. Additionally, the collateral damage from medical interventions often leads to unintended consequences. Read any pharmaceutical label on prescribed drugs or listen to a drug commercial on TV, and it becomes incredibly obvious that the remedy is often more dangerous than the disease. 

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A Critical Examination of Conventional Medicine:

Criticism of the medical model is not an attack but a recognition of its shortcomings. Specifically, the prevailing view of medical success usually equates to the absence of symptoms; however, this perspective fails to consider the natural resilience and adaptability of the human body.  Conventional medicine is often combined and regulated by its alliance with the pharmaceutical industry.  The U.S. pharmaceutical industry alone represents a $600 billion industry per year, whereas natural healing, as a healthcare model, eliminates huge financial incentives.

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The Need for a Paradigm Shift:

It is time to reconsider the warlike approach to body health and focus on strengthening the body’s natural healing mechanisms.  Rather than searching for a magical chemical bullet to combat diseases, emphasis should be placed on environmental factors, diet, lifestyle, and the structural and neurological integrity of our bodies as provided by the Chiropractic model, which focuses on maintaining the communication system within the body, and offers an alternative that avoids the pitfalls of the war-like medical approach.

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Here is a comprehensive guide to consider, to initiate and facilitate this transformation:

  1. Education and Awareness:
    1. Promote education on the body’s innate healing abilities among healthcare professionals, encouraging a deeper understanding of the body’s complex systems.
  2. Embrace Preventive Care:
    1. Shift the focus from reactive medicine to preventive care, emphasizing lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and wellness programs to maintain overall health and prevent diseases.
  3. Integrate Complementary Therapies:
    1. Incorporate evidence-based complementary therapies, such as chiropractic care, acupuncture, and herbal medicine, into mainstream medical practices to address the root causes of ailments.
  4. Mind-Body Connection:
    1. Acknowledge the mind-body connection by integrating practices like Meditation, Naturopathy, Mindfulness, and Yoga into treatment plans to support mental and emotional well-being.
  5. Individualized Treatment Plans:
    1. Move towards personalized medicine that considers each patient’s unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors, tailoring treatment plans accordingly.
  6. Holistic Health Assessments:
    1. Conduct comprehensive health assessments that go beyond symptom management, considering the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being to address the body as a whole.
  7. Focus on Nutrition:
    1. Recognize the crucial role of nutrition in promoting health and healing. Encourage the integration of dietary interventions as a fundamental component of treatment plans.
  8. Environmental Considerations:
    1. Raise awareness about the impact of environmental factors on health and explore ways to reduce exposure to toxins, pollutants, and other environmental stressors.
  9. Support Research in Holistic Approaches:
    1. Allocate resources and funding for research into holistic approaches, including the study of how lifestyle, diet, and alternative therapies can positively impact health outcomes.
  10. Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
    1. Foster collaboration between traditional healthcare professionals, alternative medicine practitioners, nutritionists, and mental health specialists to provide a well-rounded approach to patient care.
  11. Patient Empowerment:
    1. Empower patients to actively participate in their healing process by providing education on lifestyle choices, self-care practices, and the importance of holistic well-being.
  12. Shift in Healthcare Policies:
    1. Advocate for changes in healthcare policies that incentivize and support a holistic approach to healing, encouraging a more patient-centered and preventative healthcare system.

By embracing these principles and incorporating them into the healthcare system, we can create a more balanced and patient centered approach that harnesses the natural healing powers of the body. This transformation requires a collective effort from healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the public to reshape the narrative around health and healing.Top of Form

The time has come to rethink our approach to health. By moving away from the war-like mentality, we can focus on strengthening our bodies’ natural abilities to heal. Embracing a holistic view that considers environmental factors, diet, and lifestyle can lead us to a future where our bodies work in harmony with nature rather than waging war against it.

As we face surrender terms in the war against diseases, let us not forget that nature will prevail, and it is in our best interest to align with its inherent wisdom.

My Purpose

My purpose is not to disparage or discredit what has been accomplished in medicine over the years but to instead demonstrate the intentional enhancement or misrepresentation of the medical model and products to enrich the ‘business’ of healthcare.

Note: more on this topic can be found in my new book, “America’s Democracy Betrayed”, ….Healthcare and the Medicine Man 

Chapter 2 will blow your mind!

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